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Setting up a Project

With LOBSTA configurations complete, you can now start managing projects and tasks for other users to use by creating a project and issues. You can view the corresponding project documentation and issue docoumentation on these links.


From the projects page click New Project:

  1. Only Name and Identifier are obligatory fields. Identifier automatically fills as you fill the project name. Add a Description for users to know what the project is about.
  2. You can set privacy settings to public or private. Private projects are only accessible to members of the project. This also applies to notes and issues and can warn if a user makes a public task by accident.
  3. You can select your modules. Modules are the core functionality of projects, and these can be enabled or disabled per project. Do note, a disabled module does not mean that module is deleted or not working, rather that it's hidden and can be enabled later.
  4. Click Create. Most of these properties you can change from project settings.

You will be redirected to the Project Overview. From here, you can access the modules enabled and quick access from the +menu to the create pages of the corresponding modules.


Issues specify a task or course of action to be completed for the project. A component of the project, these are made by users for themselves or other users to fill.

To make an issue:

  1. From the +menu or issue page, on New Issue, fill in the required fields. By default, tracker, subject, status and priority are required.Tracker defines the type of issue being submitted, Subject the name of the issue, Status the progress of the issue and Priority how urgent is for completion.
  2. More required fields could be needed if edited in Field Permissions.
  3. You can fill in the dates to incorporate the issue into Gantt and Calendar modules. You can fill the target version to add it to a Roadmap.
  4. You can assign a member to be responsible for the completion of the issue.
  5. You can define the estimated time to complete the issue, as well as an estimate of how complete the issue is.
  6. In the map, from the right hand side you can select point, line and polygon to mark the map when relevant to the issue.
  7. Click create when done.

Project Settings

These settings are different from Global Settings in that they only affect the current project. Project setting documentation can be accessed here.


Members are users or groups with a role in a project. Members are vital if the project is set to private, as only members can view and edit the project they belong to.

  • Add New member
  • Select the user(s) and the role(s) you want to add to the project.
  • Click add.
  • IF the project is set to public, a non-member will be able to see and edit the project, unless changed through roles and permissions.

Issue Tracking

Here you can change default fields that appear when creating an issue, from the trackers available to the custom fields made. You can also set the default of a version and assignee.

You can enable or disable enumerations you feel are relevant to the project.


A version is a goal of meaningful changes to a project. Here you can create them by clicking New Version, only requiring a name. Issues can be linked to a version or be independent of the version. A version´s progress considers its issues progress, unless changed in global settings.

Issue Categories

You can create additional miscellaneous issue categories, independent from trackers,statuses, and enumerations.


Here is where you first create the module forums if enabled. You only need to fill Name and Description on the New Forum button.

Text Block

You can write a repeatable message used when an issue status is chosen. Select New TExt Box. Pick the Name and the Text and select the Issue Status this box should appear in. Once completed a text box will appear as an option next to description when creating or updating an issue with the selected status.